Cultur Centrum Wolkenstein, Stainach
The Kulturzentrum Wolkenstein (CCW) is known as a venue for experimental music. The façade project, curated by Werner Reiterer, was the first project that the CCW undertook with artists. Because the building is situated directly opposite the train station, Klopf wanted to take the arrival of travellers as the theme of his contribution. Above the nondescript entrance in the plain façade of the Kulturzentrum, he installed a high canopy with the word “Hotel.” As a kind of public service, there was a list with information on the hotels in the surrounding area available in the Kulturzentrum.
(Hotel, 1993; acrylic paint, tarpaulin, steel frame, 370 x 250 cm; Fassadenprojekt Nr. 3, Kulturzentrum Wolkenstein, Stainach)